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Billie Eilish Opens Up About Living With Tourette Syndrome

Billie Eilish Opens Up About Living With Tourette Syndrome

The singer-songwriter was diagnosed at age 11

"It's very exhausting, and it can be really frustrating sometimes," she says

Billie Eilish is opening up about living with Tourette syndrome in a new episode of David Letterman's "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction." The singer-songwriter was diagnosed with the neurological disorder, which causes involuntary tics, when she was 11 years old.

"It's very exhausting, and it can be really frustrating sometimes," Eilish says in the episode, which airs on Netflix on May 27. "I have a lot of tics that I don't really notice, but then other people will point them out and it's kind of embarrassing."

Eilish says that people often have misconceptions about Tourette syndrome, and that she's sometimes been made fun of for her tics. "People have this weird misconception that if you have Tourette's, you're just like, yelling curse words all the time," she says. "That's not the case at all. It's just little things like, I'll scrunch up my face or I'll shake my head."

Eilish says that she's learned to manage her symptoms over the years, but that it can still be difficult at times. "It's something that I've had to learn to live with," she says. "I've had to learn to accept it and not be ashamed of it."

Eilish's interview with Letterman is the latest in a series of high-profile conversations about Tourette syndrome. In recent years, several celebrities have spoken out about their experiences with the disorder, including Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, and Howie Mandel.

These conversations have helped to raise awareness of Tourette syndrome and have shown that it's a common disorder that can affect anyone. They've also helped to reduce the stigma associated with the disorder and have given people who live with it a sense of hope.
